Living With PPMS

I was diagnosed in 2014 with MS. My doctor didn't tell me for a few years that I had PPMS just MS. I went from a cane to a rollator very quickly. Now I have to use a wheelchair for distance.

The bad thing is giving up driving

I lost my independence a couple of years ago when I had to give up driving. The one thing you learn is how good your friends are. I have wonderful friends that can take me willingly to physical therapy and doctors appts. My sister takes me shopping.

The worst of all

I can't take care of my aging mother. When she retired, I got her to move down here by me so I could take care of her as she aged. Now she has cancer, and I am unable to do anything to help her. I feel so helpless. My sister has to do everything. That's the worst thing about MS.

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