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New Drug Trileptal

I have trigeminal neuolga in my face. My MS doctor told me to try the drug Trileptal. Has anybody tried this drug. If you have did you have any side effects

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with trigeminal neuralgia, it can be extremely painful to say the least! I haven't personally tried that medication, so hopefully someone in our community here can share their firsthand experience. In the meantime, I wanted to offer two suggestions.

    First, checking with your pharmacist about side effects can be really helpful. They sometimes have more time than the doctor and also have a incredible database of information about potential interactions or contraindications.

    Also below are some articles about trigeminal neuralgia that you might find helpful and simply relatable in the meantime. You may find the comments sections of the article helpful too.
    Alene, moderator

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