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Using medical marijuana to jumpstart your dead battery

Living with PPMS for 30+ years, the only thing I have foundto combat cog fog end complete fatigue after three in the afternoon, is a minor dose of sativa cannabis.

  1. I am glad you have found something that helps you feel better, ! Cannabis can definitely be a helpful option for people living with MS. And I am glad it works for you.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. I did not know that this could help with brain fog. Does it also help with "Tsunami-like" fatigue? I have PPMS and have nothing prescribed to combat it.

      1. It really depends from person to person what works to combat fatigue and other symptoms. I would highly recommend that you talk to your doctor if you're interested in incorporating that into your regimen as we are not medical professionals and can't give medical advice here. In the meantime, I wanted to share this article that Devin wrote about his experience with medical marijuana. He details being a skeptic about it and what his experience was like and how it impacted his MS. I hope it helps give some insight while you consider your options. 🧡 Kayleigh, team

    2. I have RRMS and sativa absolutely helps me with a number of my MS-related issues. I could be completely fatigued and a couple puffs of my cape and I can be back to “normal.” It truly is a wonder drug, better than any other medication out there, in my opinion.

      1. LOL I meant to write Vape. 🤦‍♀️ silly MS brain!

      2. wow that's a pretty powerful testimonial! Thanks for sharing what works for you. And I have to say, that feeling back to "normal" probably does make you feel like you're wearing a special cape! 😀
        Alene, Moderator

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