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Matt Allen G community advocate Matt Allen GMatt Allen G was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in August of 2010 at the age of 20. He immediately decided to start blogging about his journey in hopes of helping others in similar situations.

Matt also wants to inspire and teach other people living with MS how to advocate for themselves. He is a firm believer in the idea that knowledge is power and believes that we tend to fear what we do not understand.

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Having been diagnosed in the age of social media, he quickly came to understand how valuable it was to people living with MS and similar illnesses. Thanks to the internet, he has connected with many other people around the world who are also fighting this fight. In fact, while traveling around the States and abroad, he has even met up with some of them!

Blogging about MS and utilizing social media has also helped him better understand the people in theMS community. How everyone experiences MS differently, has different struggles and difficulties in life, and how willing people are to help each other in this community. For Matt, blogging has played an essential role in maintaining the willpower and motivation to keep fighting to overcome this disease.

Matt currently lives in Southern California but considers Colorado Springs, CO his second home and hopes to relocate there one day. You can visit his new blog, StuckWithMS, by clicking here.

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