The process of being diagnosed was a very long and daunting road. Sometimes I hit dead ends and sometimes there were detours. There were times that the road was lonely and other times it was a family affair. It took a very very long time to get diagnosed. Over a year of me proactively seeking the truth and wanting answers. After many visits to numerous providers and constantly and consistently being told that everything was ok... I just needed to relax and everything would be ok. I was seeing two neurologists. The first one sent me for a spinal tap. It came back with multiple bands... Obviously at that point something was wrong. However, she wanted to observe me for another year to watch my progression. Throughout that year it was torture. I would schedule to see her on multiple occasions just to be told that my symptoms were nothing to be concerned about. Fast forward to a year later... I almost passed out at work and my co-worker begged me to go to a local urgent care clinic. I reluctantly agreed and was told that I was either having a stroke or I had MS. He recommended that I go straight to the ER for further evaluation. The ER doctors immediately treated me for a MS relapse. I was given a high dose of steroids. I left the hospital feeling better than I had in a very long time. That visit gave me hope that I knew I was not making up my symptoms. I scheduled an appointment with another neurologist and she immediately scheduled an MRI. The scan came back with a 10mm lesion in my brain. She finally diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis. She specialized in Epilepsy and recommended I go back to my previous neurologist. I immediately scheduled the appointment and she put me on MS medication to slow the progression. I went through multiple emotions and still struggle with some of those today. After many many many years of being told that I was ok and no concern was necessary it's still hard for me to know now what is important and what isn't. Just because I have a diagnosis now I'm supposed to know what is MS related and what isn't. This is a daily struggle inside myself. I still question if my diagnoses is correct. I still struggle trying to figure out what is important enough to contact my doctor or just let it go and run its course. This snowflake chronic illness makes it just that much harder to know if my symptoms are MS or again something I need to relax about and everything is ok. It's hard to flip that switch even after a diagnosis to accept. Today I am being told I am hardheaded and I should know, but I don't. I hope the longer I have this disease that I figure this out.