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Has anyone ever used acupuncture to help with MS symptoms?

  1. Hi @Oilman65. Thanks for the question! While I can't offer any hands on experience with this, I wanted to share an article with you that was written by one of our advocates. It gives a little insight on acupuncture with MS and i'm hoping it will help answer some questions. I am also hoping other community members will chime in and give share their experiences. Please keep us posted and as always, let us know if there is anything we can do! Sending positive vibes your way -Beth (Team Member)

    1. I have been doing acunpunture for 2 years on and off due to my work schedule. But I have to say it does help with many symptoms that is MS related or not. For example, I was having migraines for a couple months straight and nothing worked so I started to see an acupuncturist and it stopped. I still have migraines every once in a blue moon and if I experience one that last for more than 24 hours I go see her and the intensity lessens and by nightfall or morning it is 100% gone.
      Orginally, I started seeing her in 2019 because I was experiencing spinal pain in a specific area. After three weeks of seeing her twice a week that went away. I still continue the treatments and it has disappeared. But I do also stretches and excerises at home to also help.
      This year I have started seeing her again because I am experiencing weakness on my right side so weekly I do pilates to build up core strength. Trying to work out at least twice a week and do acupunture at least bi weekly. I notice a difference my appointment because my right side does not feel as heavy and is not as weak right after. However, the reason I do it bi weekly is I start to notice the heaviness feeling comes back by the end of two weeks usually.
      Anyway, I hope this helps! Good luck to you!

      1. I used acupuncture for my MS just this last week. Certainly not the first time. I’m going through a pseudo exacerbation right now with my seasonal allergies. My right leg is heavy and numb in patches. Since I’m already on Tysabri, my neuro isn’t keen on steroids. Acupuncture helps bring Xi to my leg, and the rest of my body for that matter.

        1. I hope it helps, , and that you get some relief. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

      2. I recently started receiving acupuncture for trigeminal neuralgia. I was told after 5 treatments I would know if it would be effective. On the 3rd treatment the Dr thought it might also be muscular as well as nerve by my descripion of pain. He did acupressure. The next day my pain was 3 times as bad, coming in waves. I was crying or screaming with pain. I did have nerve analgesics as I have had severe pain in the past (I have suffered with TN for 15 yrs). My face majorly hurt for over 7 days and I cancelled my next appointment. I have since cancelled all appointments. A bad experience.

        1. Gosh, I am so sorry this happened to you. Acupuncture, like so many other meds or procedures can be wonderful for some people, but horrible for others. Have you tried any other types of treatments for this terrible symptom? Here is a link from Cleveland Clinic that gives insightful info about TN If you try something else, let us know about it. Hugs, Debbie (Team Member)

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