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Can MS meds make recovery of illnesses like influenza longer?

I am a 20 year old and just got diagnosed with MS this year. I take the med "Tecfidera". I've been having some form of influenza like twice since I started taking it (I assume it's influenza I don't really know) I just feel like it's taking longer for me to recover than usual and I feel like the symptoms are worse. I feel like total shit. Maybe it's just me being mad at this disease but I dont know. Can meds like tecfidera worsen symptoms in illnesses like these?

  1. Hi, !

    I am sorry you have been dealing with bouts of the flu, on top of MS.

    To get to the point, Tecfidera is an immunosuppressant, so it can make you more susceptible to viruses, like the flu. And it can make the recovery more challenging.

    So, as we head in to another cold and flu season (if you're in the Northern hemisphere), you may want to plan ahead to avoid illness as much as possible. One of our contributors shared her tips and tricks for dealing with the flu here -- I do hope you stay as healthy as possible and don't experience anymore bouts of the flu this year!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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