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I'm 46 I've gotten stuck in the shower twice once where I just couldn't remember how to get out the second time the screw came out of my shower chair and my boyfriend couldn't hear me yelling. I live with my boyfriend and son but my son works 10-12 hrs a day my boyfriend also works and enjoys time off with friends he doesn't understand I can't do the things I once could he thinks I'm just giving up on life and he wants to still have one so what happens to a 46 year old who can't care for herself, I can't drive. Days are long left just with my thoughts and reminders of what used to be.

  1. Oh, yikes, ! Getting stuck in the shower once is bad enough; let alone twice! I'm sorry that happened to you.

    And, it can be so frustrating (and demoralizing) to have people in your life that just don't seem to understand how hard living with MS can really be. It can make a person feel very alone, even when they are surrounded by people. I am not going to try to cheer you up because I think all of us need a safe place to unload our feelings and no one needs platitudes when they are trying to vent.

    But, I wanted to share this piece about MS and loneliness that I thought you might find relatable -- Please know you're not alone; not when you're here.

    Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team member.

    1. I can truly relate. My mind spends too much time in the past. I read so much about giving up the "baggage" that I drag around from past. I put my husband through law school, 10 years later he decides he wants to marry someone else. I was single for 8 years then married my current husband. He is my caregiver. I look at what "could have been" and how things turned out and I just shake my head. This is not the way I thought things would be when I turned 68. I know God has a plan I just don't see it. Thanks for listening!

      1. ,
        It's hard not to look back and question the path you are on.
        However, in order to move forward you must be pointed in that direction.
        I've found it helpful taking the phrases "should of", "would of" and "could of" out of my vocabulary.
        I'm sending you tons of positive thoughts and wishing you brighter days ahead.
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

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