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CT Scan

Just curious if anyone had a clean CT scan but ended up still being diagnosed with M.S?

  1. Hi, ! We can't offer any diagnostic advice, for your safety, but I will say this. It's rare to be diagnosed with MS if your CT scan is clean. That said, was it a full scan of your spine and head area? You may want to request an MRI, which can provide a more in depth look at your central nervous system. Also, while it's rare to have a clean CT scan with MS, a lumbar puncture is sometimes used to confirm or rule out MS. Have you had a lumbar puncture? You can read about the procedure here -- Also, here's some information about the MRI procedure --

    I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have further questions.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you so much for your response Erin. I have had no additional testing, just the CT and it appears the investigation will stop with the clear CT. I have many, many symptoms and have off and on for 20 years, which is why I was curious if I should pursue an MRI or if a clear CT meant I was in the clear as well.

      1. Hi . We have had some members who had clear MRIs or CT scans initially, and then developed lesions years later. Was the scan only of your brain? Lesions can also appear on the spinal cord and/or the optic nerve. So, it is important to check those areas as well. If you still believe you have MS, you might want to get a second opinion from an MS specialist. The National MS Society has a tool for finding one in your area. Here is a link: There are also several other health conditions that mimic MS and should be ruled out. Here is an article that lists them: Even if you don't have MS, you deserve to know what is going on with your body. I hope you will continue to advocate for yourself until you get answers. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. **just a head CT

      1. , oh, wow! In that case, you might want to really push for further testing. I know it's hard to be the "squeaky wheel", but you deserve to have your symptoms properly addressed!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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