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What tests are involved to diagnose MS?

  1. This is a really great question. I'll chime in and give a quick rundown of what is usually expected when it comes to receiving a diagnosis while we wait for others to chime in with their experiences. Since MS can often mimic other conditions, your doctors will most likely want to do a pretty extensive history and exam, more specifically, a neurological exam to get all the information on what you're feeling and experiencing. Sometimes people will then go for other testing and analysis like a lumbar puncture to look for inflammation or certain proteins associated with MS. Your medical team will more than likely order an MRI for you which is helpful in locating any lesions associated with MS in your brain or spine. I'm going to leave an article or two here for you to look at if you'd like that go into way more detail about what to expect for a diagnosis.

    Here's a more clinical/medical article about the different tests involved in diagnosis:

    This is a more experiential article that describes the diagnostic process:

    I hope that helps and I hope others see this to chime in with their experiences as well. We're here for you if you have any other questions, ok? 🧡 Kayleigh, team

    1. Thank you Kayleigh, I am in the very beginning of finding out if I have MS or not. MRI of neck ordered for "stingers" in left upper neck to chest. I've ignored them for the past years since I have arthritis in my cervical spine. Now having many other symptoms. So glad for this support group and all who help!

      1. I'm really glad you found us Georgia. If you need any support or information in the coming weeks, please don't hesitate to let us know, ok? We're here for you. When did your MRI get ordered for? We'll be keeping you in our thoughts that this upcoming appointment gives you some answers. 🧡 Kayleigh, team

    2. Hi Kayleigh,
      MRI of cervical spine scheduled for July 25th.
      I continue to have Stingers with "electrical" shocks in left upper chest near clavicle and profound fatigue. At 66 years old, it seems strange that many new symptoms have been happening in the past 3 years. I kept ignoring them, convinced that it was just arthritis and aging...maybe it is just that. But after having episodes of feeling like a belt is around my chest, I researched MS. Sure enough, I have most of the list of things associated with this illness. I was told that "at my age, it would ost likely just burn itself out" by a nurse. It's very confusing at this point but I will hopefully find answers. I am thankful that my mobility is good and that I am independent with daily self care. I have been almost tripping though when I underestimate the height of a step and now understand that this might be related to foot drop. I take extra care to be aware. Thanks for your help!

      1. That's good that you got it scheduled for July 25th - that's soon. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you get some answers, Georgia. Please don't hesitate to pop back in after Tuesday's appointment to let us know how it all went, ok? 🧡 Kayleigh, team

    3. So Kayleigh, my cervical spine MRI showed quite a bit of arthritis...spurs, narrowing, pinched nerve, impingement, slippage of 3 disc's. No mention of "lesions" thank goodness!
      Having said that, my new PT did an upper body evaluation today and wants me to see a new neurologist in our area asap. I have trauma history too (MVA) and brain concussions from falls. My various symptoms still warrent further MS workup.
      So day by day, I will continue on this journey. Thanks for your support!

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