lightweaver Member
I hope I can.
jackiemack Member
I hope too. I had asked after the 4th fall during house chores, a goody. I get depressed and wonder if I can get better. If I hear someone has it gives me strength to fight. Thank you for your comment.
mamijo Member
I have been in a wheelchair for the last 3 years. I was finally able to walk some and even climb the ladder to get in the pool! I did too much and had to stop and slow down with my activity because I got to the point that I could not even lift my right foot! I am slowly working my way back up to walking. I pray about it every night!
jackiemack Member
Thank you for your response. I appreciate the message. I know exactly what you mean by overdoing things.
mrsaristotle Member
I applaud you hun, well done for doing that its amazing. You just need to take a few steps back you over did it in your enthusiasm to walk, it will come right just tiny steps. well done. big big big hugs. xxx
mrsaristotle Member
I think the trick is to pace yourself. We so want to walk more so we try extra hard and just that little extra push can put you back on your back so to speak.
Tiny steps. Even just a few a day build up your core strength. It comes from the core. You have to keep walking a little every day, if you dont use your legs you loose your legs.
My motto is this to keeping upright now, i am in pain if i do it, and pain if i dont. I get more out of my life doing it or at least trying so i take that path.
It also comes from what we take inwards. Eat well chuck out the sugar, and you will gain enough strength to take those first few steps again. Magnesium helps to build your muscles.
Applause for all of those who are trying the achievement is the trying even one step is a huge achievement just gently ok. xxx
jackiemack Member
Thank you for your advice. You are right, don't use it, lose it. I don't know how to overcome my despair when I fall anymore. I used to get angry with MS and try out of spite. After 10 yrs it hadls become increasingly difficult and despair grows.
jan Member
Azjackie, it is a bummer to fall. And risky. I vote to be prudent and avoid that. I do that myself; falling hurts more now.
I wiped out last year forward on our sofa--a sofa!!--and flipped my wrist backward, fracturing it in a couple of places to the tune of a cast. More than 30 years of figure skating and no breaks. And then a cast after falling onto our sofa. Go figure! And now, a year later, it aches some--the hand dr. wants a specialized MRI (bones are fine--it's about ligaments). Hmm: not sure yet about that. I want to avoid surgery, and my PT said the recovery would leave me without the ability to use a rollator, Mart Cart, or whatever. As long as it doesn't exacerbate, I'd likely opt for some pain and no surgery.
So you, like I, may need to work more on the word, "acceptance," and only do as truly able. And find other stuff in which we can be effective and not frustrated. With not driving at the moment, while it can be hard to ask for help, I also remind myself that for someone to give (my preference but not so possible in ways I'd like), someone has to receive (that would be me). It's a letting go, but a gaining in other ways.