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Does Mayzent work for PPMS?

My first symptoms started about 18 years ago (I’m 6😎, and even though I saw about 6 or 7 neurologists, I was diagnosed with Primarily Progressive MS only 3 years ago… I have very bad balance an walk with a cane or walker. My doctor put me on Ocrevus but I don’t feel any slowing in the progression of the disease. On the contrary, I think it is progressing faster! I had an appointment with my doctor a couple of weeks ago and she said she wants to stop Ocrevus and put me on “Mayzent” which has a lot of side effects. I looked for info about this medicine and I found that it is prescribed for relapsing MS… can anybody tell me if it also helps with PPMS? Thank you.

  1. Hi, ! First, I am sorry Ocrevus wasn't a good fit for you. I know it can be frustrating to try a medication and then it doesn't work for you. It kind of can feel like a waste of your time and energy.

    I can't tell you too much about Mayzent, as I have no personal experience with it. It can be used for PPMS, but I don't have much data on its efficacy. I found some information on Mayzent that you might find helpful -- I hope you feel comfortable bringing any of your questions and concerns to your physician. Your doctor may be wanting to try Mayzent to attempt to get ahead of your disease progression, especially since Ocrevus didn't seem to help at all.

    I do hope other community members with experience with Mayzent chime in here and offer you some more perspective on the treatment.

    And, do keep us posted on how you are doing, if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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