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Feet like concrete

Ive found describing my sensory symptoms to friends, family and doctors easier using my own words than big words 'spascity'.
Ive explained to family if you put one foot on rough concrete and the other foot on green grass, that i no longer feel soft grass, both my feet feel like im standing on rough concrete. Anyone else find it interesting how we describe our MS symptoms?

  1. That's a pretty good way of describing spasticity! It's important to try to come up with examples like that for our friends and families. I know I had no idea what "spasticity" was before I experienced it myself. I often describe some of my symptoms as feeling like I am trapped in mud:

    1. , I think our community members have come up with such creative ways to describe MS so others can try to understand what it's like. It can be hard for people that don't have MS to truly understand terms like spasticity or muscle weakness or numbness (that feels anything but numb!). Vivid descriptors help others understand. I thought you might appreciate this short video by our graphic team, putting various community descriptions of MS to graphics -- I am appreciative that so many community members try to put their experiences into words.

      Thanks for sharing!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. you are so right your feet feel like blocks. I have to feel mine even after pedicure to make sure they are soft. I know they are cold. Can you imagine (for those who have spouses or significant others) lying next to them wondering what they think about the cold feet or do they think your feet feel like blocks? Well I have to wear the safety footwear to bed with the grips underneath even in summer. I know we have support at home with our family and significant others but I know it’s not an easy journey for them either.

        1. I agree with how you are describing certain sensations; however, spasticity for me is when my muscles contract in very painful cramping like a Charlie Horse but not only in the calf muscle. It can be anywhere. I've had it in my shoulders, my hands, from my butt to my ankle, and in my feet (thankfully, not all at the same time!)The cramping happens unannounced but for me is worse at night. It will wake me from a deep sleep. I can't put full weight on my legs but I have to move. Often I have to just get in a hot shower. Others find ice works better for them. I take 2 different muscle relaxers, an antiseizure medication and a tricyclic to help control it. If I relax the spasticity too much, the muscles in my legs can't support me. It is a balancing act but usually taking extra meds to ease the cramp wins out.

          1. That sounds so painful, . Is this somewhat new for you or have you always experienced spasticity at this level? I hope the symptoms improve over time and you get some relief. Sending the best of all wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

          2. I am sorry you have so much spasticity and pain. I have spams but not as painful. Mine is in left leg and foot more of a jerking feeling and wake you up when it’s going on. The hot shower doesn’t exacerbate your MS symptoms? I have to steer clear of hot baths and showers, mine are warm period. Anything too hot and all the symptoms tear up their ugly heads.

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