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Florida Heat

High heat temperatures in Florida impacts my MS. My favorite hobby is gardening. When I go outside, I feel lightheaded and groggy; weakness ensues. Even if I come back in right away, it's hard to recover from the fatigue. Then sometimes I get depressed because I can't do my favorite activity.

  1. I wear an ice pack, it lasts about an hour in 80+ degrees mornings.

    1. , well, I wish that ice pack lasted longer than an hour, but that's a great idea you shared! I hope you have multiple ice packs so you can always have a nice, cold one ready to go!

      Thank you for sharing!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  2. The Florida heat and humidity definitely mean business, don't they, ? I'm sorry the weather is keeping you from doing an activity you love. Can you garden extra early in the morning? Or in the later evening? Do you have tools that make it easier for you (knee pads, wheely carts, etc)?

    I know none of those things deal with the real problem -- the heat and your body's response to it. I do hope you are able to enjoy your garden as we get closer to fall and winter. It may not be the same, but I know you can still grow many things all year round (as long as you don't get a hard freeze).

    Thank you for sharing and I hope you are blessed with a lovely, temperate fall (and hopefully, not too many hurricanes)!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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