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getting my results emailed to me

Hi, I recently asked my neurologist if I can have all my results emailed to me and I got a reply from the receptionist saying that they will ask him and if he agrees to release them, then I can get them. Is this normal? I waited almost half a year to see him after my tests only to be told that they are all fine (apart from the MRI which show lesions on the brain and spine) and he said that I should have another MRI in half a years time. I feel like I paid for these tests so shouldn't I be able to ask for them? I'm not sure though because maybe its different with neurologists? My friend suggested I get another option because I still have numbness, brain fog and blurred vision and I'm not sure if I will get another option but if I do I might need the results.

  1. , hmmmm. This situation seems a little interesting. I am usually able to view all my test results via a patient portal and that works pretty well for me. That said, now that I think about it, I have never tried to copy and save any of that data to my home computer or personal files, though.

    I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to have your results emailed to you, unless you are using a work email account or an email that seems unsecure, if that makes sense? While HIPAA rules are pretty clear cut, some doctors are extremely cautious, just to be safe and not risk committing a HIPAA violation.

    Still, they are your results and you have every right to have access to them. But, again, I am not sure if the protocol varies from practice to practice.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. You have every right those records, , though I would suggest physically picking up a disc rather than having the emailed. Those images can be huge and most computers and email serves won't be able to handle them. Where did you have the MRI done? It might be better to reach out to that facility rather than the neurologist. I have ordered copies of MRIs for specialists treating my kids or me many times. Usually, I place the call and they either send me a form to fill out or I do it at the facility, but it has always been an easy, no-hassle process. I am glad you are planning on getting that second opinion. This is just one more reason to find someone new. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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