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Hi I'm new to this. I have m.s progressive secondary m.s. I suffer so bad with headaches everyday.
Is there anyone else who do and can help with what to do as no tablets touch it . Thanks

  1. , hi and welcome to the community! I am so sorry you are dealing with headaches. I suffer from them myself and I know they can be TOUGH!

    If you haven't done so already, I would talk to your doctor about your headaches. He/she may be able to offer some solutions outside of the ones you have already tried.

    Also, it's not uncommon to deal with headaches when you have MS. I know that's not very comforting, but you're definitely not alone in this.

    I wanted to share some articles on this topic with you. Here's one on the topic of MS and headaches (and check out the dozens of member comments at the end) --

    And this article is in the same vein, but there are some treatment options listed at the end that you can check out -- Also, we do have a sister site dedicated just to migraines, which will have tons of suggestions and tips for managing and treating headaches that you might find helpful, too --

    I hope other community members see your post and chime in as well. I personally use heat (heating pads, heated rice socks, hot showers, etc) to manage my headaches, but many people prefer cold to manage theirs. I hope you get some relief very soon!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi thanks for reply.
      My are making it horrible everyday. As no let up. Been to doctors, neurologist. Tablets do not work. Have bad pain all time in spine and neck.
      If anyone could help, if they suffer. Neurologist said not actually a migraine. As its nerve endings in spine and neck causing them. So bad headaches cluster ones. Last all day worse in bed when u want to sleep and wake up with one. Thanks again.

      1. , ok. I think I understand better now. Thank you for explaining. Have the doctors given you any suggestions outside of medications? Like massage or chiropractic care or something like that? I will say that when it comes to nerve pain, it can be especially challenging to get a handle on the pain. Here's some information from the migraine site specifically on cluster headaches -- and

        Some of the suggestions for managing cluster headaches include using pure oxygen during a headache episode and/or using injectable hormones or triptans. Have you tried those options?

        Either way, I hope you get some more tips from our community members AND some relief soon!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. Hi thank u. Yes tried those things. Its not meds as not Heather fuel to just headache cause pain in spine and neck. Thanks anyway. Take care.

      1. My heart goes out to you, . Some nerve pain is simply untouchable and to have that in the form of headaches every day has got to be excruciating. I hope you don't give up on finding someone who can help. I have a friend who went to four neurologists before she found one several states away who discovered the source of her headaches and finally put an end to them with surgery. In her case, the solution was to place padding underneath the irritated nerve. Have you gotten any other opinions about your headaches? Thinking of you and sending lots of healing thoughts your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    3. Hi thanksfor your reply. I have pain in spine and neck all the time. I live in UK. England. Things are so slower here to even get to see docs. With covid as well so much worse. Their answer is to just give me meds all time. Saying its nerve pain and nerve endings. Cannot do anything about it.
      But it's everyday pain and headaches. With all other things too it causes me.
      Balance walking and tiredness. And other stuff. Not good. But I keep smiling and carry on. Thank u again for the reply.

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