Working on some LEGO sets! In all honesty, it's stressful, sure, but not a whole lot has changed in my daily routine. Because of MS, I already spend a ton of time at home and take the precautions that many are taking now. In a lot of ways, many folks are now getting to experience what it's like for some people who have a chronic illness and are disabled and are forced to stay home much of the time.
Shelby Comito Community Admin
Last Updated:
How true, !! This experience has already opened my eyes so much more. I hope one of the good things that comes out of all this is more awareness and empathy for those who have to live like this daily.
Youtube: Listening to Mickey Katz sing Yiddish parodies of famous pop songs of the 1950s and 60s, such as: "How Much is That Pickle in the Window?" and "Sixteen Tons--of Latkes and Knishes."
Watching Martin Short as inept, stream-of-consciousness bumbler Jiminy Glick interview celebrities.
Binge-watching "Midsomer Murders" (1997- present), "Cold Case Files" (1999-present) and "Outer Limits" (1963-1965) on Roku.