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I don't know what's going on.....

I have seen 4 neurologists in the past 2 years and no one has given me anything definitive, regarding a diagnosis. The second doc saw "Focal and confluent T2 signal abnormalities in the periventricular white
matter. These findings likely
represent moderate degenerative microangiopathy in a patient of this age. A
demyelinating process cannot
be excluded in the proper clinical setting." He wanted me to go to an MS clinic, to have MS ruled out. I know I have white matter issues, loosely referd to as white matter disease. But honestly, I don't think it's impossible to diagnose. Any ideas?

  1. I'm sorry to see that you've had such a long road to get definitive answers as to what's going on. That can definitely be frustrating and discouraging. That said, I also see a lot of resilience in your story, as you're not giving up until you get the answers you need and deserve. I admire that! It sounds like the next recommended step was to make an appointment at the MS clinic. Have you been able to make that appointment yet? Hopefully they'll be able to give you a fresh look at your most recent imaging and give you thorough physical exam.
    Alene, moderator

    1. Thank you for replying and your words of encouragement. Yes, it's been a long haul the past 2 years +, and I am not only sure there is something there, but I am absolutely sure the world has seen this before and I am not unique.

  2. I am a firm believer that nothing is impossible. Not even an MS diagnosis. I encourage you to continue to allow doctors to run as many tests as needed, especially to rule out other conditions that mimic MS. The the process of elimination is imperative. Here is an article that list other conditions that can be ruled out when trying to get a proper diagnosis: Contine to stay hopeful. There is research being done on this illness that will one day make it easier for everyone to get diagonsised and the proper treatment to get them to live a better quality of life. And I'm hopeful this will happenfor you. Stay encouraged and I hope this helps and you get answers and relief soon. Best wishes! - Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for replying and your words of encouragement. Yes, it's been a long haul the past 2 years +, and I am not only sure there is something there, but I am absolutely sure the world has seen this before and I am not unique.

      1. definitely go to MS clinic (why not?). however there's a separate debate about the value of an MS diagnosis in older age as DMTs may not be advised then.

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