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I have a question about MS

I had a series of MRI's last May(23) and the report revealed I had an aplastic A1 segment of the left ACA. I found out that the reason why the A1 segment of the ACA is so commonly involved in MS is not fully understood. However, it is thought to be due to the fact that this artery is particularly vulnerable to the inflammatory and demyelinating process that occurs in MS.

Now, I have been to 3 neurologists so far, and no one has been able to put a finger on what's going on. You'd think 12 years of post education would have something to show for it. My wife and I are frustrated, as we don't know WHAT'S going on. Can anyone here give me more of an idea? Thanks, Carl

  1. This is a really good question, and while I personally have no idea how these are related, I wanted to show some support to you and your wife. I tried doing some research as well and, unfortunately, came up empty-handed. I will do my best to keep an eye out, though, and if I see anything related to this topic mentioned in the community, I'll be sure to swing back and leave any information. I can't imagine how frustrating and disheartening it must be to go to 3 different neurologists and leave without answers. If I may ask, have they had any leads, at least as to any possible connections or explanations? I really hope others in the community see this and offer some insight. Sending you and your wife some good vibes. 🧡 Kayleigh, team

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