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'I'm going to have to ask you to leave"

I was in a small store I had been to several times before. I was by myself without my daughters, who had usually joined me. I was looking through the different racks of clothes, when the owner came up to me with a very disgusted look on her face and said, "I do not know what you are "on", or how much you have had to drink, but I am going to have to ask you to leave." I had shopped at this store many times and thought the owner would have recognized me. I was shocked and hurt and angry. I turned to her with tears running down my face and simply said, "I am not taking any drugs and am not drunk. I have MS - Multiple Sclerosis."
The owner apologized, but I have never returned to that store.

  1. Oh, goodness, ! I am so sorry that happened to you! I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to ever return to that store; I would feel the same way.

    I am glad you took a moment to correct the owner. I doubt I would have had to patience or kindness to say anything.

    Again, I am sorry this happened to you. You are definitely not the only community member that has been accused of being drunk due to their MS symptoms.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. When i first had MS i was so afraid of falling i became a cerified clown. Asked by the MS society to do meeting with family and children this topic came up. It was sooo sad...Im so proud of you for speaking out.
      Children had neighbors who refused thier children to play because "mom was a drunk"..etc.Something like this happens more than not. Now Im not afraid to ask others for assistance and to let them know.I have a difficult time like that. Why should i have to announce a disability. Sometimes educating others is a blessing you have given. Im so sorry you went thru that.

      1. My stomach has completely hit the floor! I can't believe you went through this horrible experience. Let alone I can't even imagine this playing out in my head. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I bet the owner felt so bad afterward. I truly hope this was a lesson for her. I know she will never forget it. Please continue to hold your head up and know that you have an entire community that stands behind you! Stay encouraged, Latoya (Team Member)

        1. So sorry that this happened. I know it's not the same, but an idea popped into my brain while reading your post. I have a Service Dog. We are constantly told we are not welcome/allowed. So, I have business cards outlining our Legal Rights by the ADA. They still don't "get it", but at least I tried. I wonder if we can find some similar for MS Warriors? I would so love to carry them everywhere I go and get stared at or hear whispers behind my back. Maybe we can get a few of us together, go back into That store, like Julia Roberts in Pretty Women, and (nicely) explain their mistaken assumption. Lol

          1. sadly, we are questioned no matter where we go (even if SD has vest on). I never could have imagined this happening to us. Amazingly, people are adamant that they are correct and need all kinds of items to allow entry. Locally, places have included the Public Library, USPS walk in lobby, Restaurants. Let's not forget transportation, Uber and Amtrak. I have to say that Uber corporate handles the discriminations very quickly and continually state that they have a policy drivers have to sign allowing SD to accompany riders. Here is my Favorite one: Had to go to ER for Vision Loss with probability due to MS flare. Traveled with SD. During diagnosis needed CAT Scan. Tech was great, he took SD behind shield with my permission. BUT - I was supposed to be admitted. LSS - given several different excuses why they "could not" admit me. No mention of SD was heard. Found out later through Hospital staff doing follow-up that there's a policy in place to admit Patients accompanied by a SD. Was reassured that the ER Dept would be contacted to ensure they follow policy. Best News: Hospital contracted with a Delivery service to deliver Dog Food (etc) from PetSmart close-by. Was reassured these obstacles would be removed for future medical care. There are many times that I have to leave him home due to these issues. The stress only makes my MS flare and other issues increase.

          2. , that stinks and this shouldn't have happened to you and your SD. I hope the hospital has truly retrained their staff to follow their policy so this doesn't happen to you and other individuals with SDs again!

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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