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Left home alone no more

Hi there. So I am having a hard time right now because I have maybe reached a time where I cant be left home alone anymore. My husband has been able to run errands while I stay home. Well, the other day I had a fall while he was gone. I could not get up at first. I scooted on my back until I reached the phone. I called him and he talked to me while I scooted to the chair and pulled myself up. He was 20 minutes from home so I made it till he got home. Has anyone dealt with this? What do you do? I really dont feel like going all the time. I like my alone time and Im sure he does also. Please some ideas on how you manage to handle this. Thank you

  1. , first off, I am sorry you are facing this situation. I am glad your fall was not a serious one and that you were able to contact your husband.

    I know it's frustrating to want to remain independent, but your body has other ideas! While it may not be ideal, subscribing to a service like Life Alert might be a good option. Please note, I am not recommending or endorsing any of these specific services --

    Also, here's a piece from one of our contributors about ways to minimize fall risks --

    I hope other members see your post and can share some of their own tips and suggestions.

    And, I hope this information is helpful for you!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi . Erin offers you some wonderful advice. There is no shame in getting a medical alert system. An alert system can give both you and your husband peace of mind when he is gone or when you want to head outside on your own. One member of this community just recently got one and it has already been a bit of a life-changer for her. The operators do not automatically call an ambulance. First, they contact you through the device to find out what is wrong. Then they start calling people on your list, if necessary. They consider they case closed when you say you are fine; when someone reaches you and says no ambulance is needed; or when a needed ambulance crew arrives. I hope you consider it. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

      1. Hi , I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through. I understand as I have had several times in recent years when I have fallen in my house and been unable to get up for a bit. I live alone, so it's always a bit of a possibility and a scary one at that. For me, the number one thing I do is keep my cell phone on me at all times that I'm in the house. If it's not in my pocket, I instinctively pick it up whenever I get up. I do that in case I do fall and need to call for some help. Just having it on me at all times also makes me feel a bit better too, just knowing I can call for help. I also have my house laid out in such a manner that there are always either walls or some time of large furniture that I can grab onto if needed (I tend to walk with one hand on a wall at all times and that seems to help me a lot and has prevented many a fall).

        Those tips arent foolproof but they do make me feel a bit better. It's very easy for those thoughts to creep into your head. Falling while alone and being unable to get up is incredibly scary. I still sometimes shudder when I think of it. I try to remind myself that if it happens, I'll deal with it. I try to remember that I have gotten through it in the past and I will again. I think, in a lot of ways, the mental aspect of it can be more difficult than the actual fall, so you have to be careful to not let it eat you up inside, and be careful to not let the fear get to you. I know that's easier said than done though. Best of luck and remember, you got through it once, if it should happen again, you'll get through that too!

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