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Dx’d 2006. Is there any medication, prescribed or otherwise, that helps with the instability?

  1. thanks so much for starting this important discussion. The honest answer is that we unfortunately can't offer medical advice or really recommend medications. It's really out of the scope of our knowledge. That said, you're asking an important question. Are you connected with a neurologist or MS specialist that is managing your care? They would be the best person to offer a recommendation because they're able to speak directly to your disease state and factor in any other unique health considerations you may have. If nothing else, it would be worth sending a message through the doctor's patient portal to inquire about it.

    Outside of that, it may be helpful to connect with a physical therapist. Perhaps they have some programs that could help to improve stability.

    Hope this helps some!
    - Alene, moderator

    1. ,
      Stability issues are quite common with MS. I thought I'd share this article from one of our patient leaders on struggling with stability: In addition, this article discusses specific MS treatments:
      All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

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