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I can't do much as I get worn out quick is this an m s problem?

  1. Hi . Unfortunately, low-energy and fatigue are common with MS. There might be some other issues making it worse for you though. The heat can have a huge impact on MS symptoms, including energy. If you are in an area that is experiencing high temperatures right now, that might be affecting you. People with MS also might become low on vitamins B or D or iron, all of which can leave you feeling exhausted and depleted. So, it's important to have your primary care doctor check those levels. Thyroid problems might also develop, making fatigue worse. If all those potential contributing factors are ruled out, there are still things you can do to conserve or boost your energy. Here is an article that might interest you with some tips on bearing MS fatigue: I hope this helps. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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