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Multiple diseases

Would like to hear from someone else that is trying to navigate through treatment decisions for each. I have Multiple Sclerosis of course, but also have a very rare tumor disease in my left knee called Diffused PVNS (have had 4 surgeries and radiation). I am on Mavenclad (about to take second yr series) but am holding off on taking Turalio for the other disease because my doc has no other patients taking both and they are both new and strong.

  1. Hi . I haven't had experience with either medication, but I wanted to reach out and let you know we are here for you. I hope you get responses from others in the community, but that is such a rare tumor that I am not sure you will find any information. Is the Turalio for prevention? Is your doctor confident that the tumor has been fully removed or destroyed? I am guessing it took quite a while to get a diagnosis since the symptoms are so universal to other issues. I am glad your doctor did identify the tumor and that you have gotten the treatment you need and deserve. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I am just about 2 months into my first year with mavenclad and I was wondering, although it doesn’t answer your question from above if you have any insights you might share with me about how you felt during the year?

      1. Tagging so that they see you commented, Nancy. 🧡 Kayleigh, team

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