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I haven't talked to my doctor about this yet cause I don't know if it has anything to do with ms. But I have crackle sounds in my neck when I look up, down and side to side. It doesn't hurt but it's creepy. Has anyone heard of this?

  1. Hi . People often get crackling sounds in their joints when they have arthritis, though it is not always indicative of the degree of damage. I get cracking sounds in my neck and knees, but the joints don't actually bother me. I imagine they will someday. I would definitely mention it to your doctor though. We are not medical experts and you never know if it might have a different cause. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you I will!

      1. Hey Melody. Now here is a topic I know all to well. You will certainly hear these noises as we age any joint can make the noise. Your cervical spine is louder because it's next to your ears and hearing it is freaky. As long as you have no pain your good. If you have arm shoulder or other pain you need to definitely speak with your doctor. I had a cervical spine disc replacement because of nerves being irratted. Some symptoms mimick MS but feelings like Briachardial pruritus. This is itchy skin due to spinal nerves being pinched. These are normal aging symptoms of a weak spine. If you only hear a little crackling and nothing else it's nothing to worry about. Best of wellness to you.

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