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I recently started experiencing nystagmus as a symptom during this most recent relapse. I've never experienced it before as a symptom and I'm wondering whether it's resolved for others or if it's become permanent?

  1. Hi . Many people recover fully from visual symptoms after a relapse, but it is hard to know whether that will be the case for you. Has your doctor offered any treatment that might help? It must be very frustrating to deal with nystagmus and somewhat dizzying. I hope does resolve and that it resolves quickly. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi Eye disturbances from optic neuritis are not only wierd, but scary and annoying. For most of us, the symptoms come and go, and sometimes if they persist the neuro will prescribe a short-term steroid treatment. Just like any other symptom of of MS, eye disturbances can be triggered by stress, sensory overload, flareups etc. Here are a couple of articles from our community advocates that can give you more info about nystigmus and other optic neuritis symptoms if they pop up

      I hope your symptom calms down soon. Warmly, Debbie (Team Member)

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