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Overwhelmingly Exhausted

I'm still in the process of seeing neurologist after neurologist after neurologist. I'm having a lot of signs and symptoms of MS and they tell me that it all points to MS but say it can't be because I don't have any lesions. It's just continuously getting worse I am overwhelmingly exhausted from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed and it just gets worse as the day goes on. I am so exhausted that I don't want to walk up my stairs to go to the bathroom and I feel so weak, its alot of work just to lift my arms up to drive a car or even hold my phone. Does anybody else have this problem? I just want to make sure I'm not crazy. I have other symptoms as well but I want to know if this would also be considered one? Thanks in advance!!!

  1. , first off, you are definitely NOT crazy! And I am so sorry you are going through the exhausting process of visiting doctor after doctor. I know that can be very wearying and pretty soul crushing as well.

    I do hope you get some helpful feedback from other community members. Also, there are a number of conditions that share symptoms with MS. Have any of the physicians you have seen mentioned any other possible causes for your symptoms? You can read more about those conditions here --

    While lesion activity is one of the main components of an MS diagnosis, I do hope your doctors don't rule anything out, yet. Also the weakness and exhaustion you mentioned can definitely be symptoms of MS or a number of other conditions.

    Hang in there and keep pushing for answers. I know it's not easy and I know it's downright frustrating at times, but you deserve a proper diagnosis (and treatment)!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Dear Angel Eyes,
      I'm not sure if the blog rules allow me to post a clinic's name, but I know many people who have been successfully diagnosed at Mayo Clinic (including myself) when the other neurologists just could not figure it out. If you are outside of the USA, then they have a special division that will work with your insurance. If you are inside the USA, that's great! Just go to the Mayo Clinic website and you'll see that you need to input information because they will spend time matching you to the right clinic location (there are 4 in the USA which have different specializations) and doctors. I and many other people on this website have experienced neurologists who say "we don't know. come back in six months" - the Mayo doctors do not say this. You go there and stay in a nearby hotel, and plan to be there for about a week. If they aren't able to send you away with a diagnosis (which would be very surprising), they will be giving you solid instructions about where to go next.
      *As per posting rules, this does not represent medical advice.*

      1. Hi ! I have had great experiences with Mayo Clinic. They have a very wholistic and compassionate philosophy. Thanks for chiming in. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I know you are exhausted and it appears they have done MRI, how about lumbar puncture/ spinal tap? I had to have both and had to go to neurologist that specializes in MS

      1. I have not had a spinal tap because all the "normal" neurologist keep blowing me off. I have an appointment next month with a specialist, I hope 🙏 I do know something is wrong. I don't want MS but I do want answers! Thankyou so much

      2. I am glad to hear you will be seeing a specialist, . I hope you get some answers this time around. Keep us posted if you feel comfortable doing so. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    3. This is also something that they will do at Mayo if they deem it necessary. And, it will be done within two days of when you check in there.

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