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Half a year ago I have told my employer of 6 years, that I have MS. I did this, as my symptoms (mostly my walking) got worse and I had to take heavier medication. I wanted to make sure that I stay fit for work, as work is very important to me. First my 2 bosses were very understanding. But now I don't know anymore what to think.

I have finally picked up the courage to ask for a reduction of my workload and of my hours (I work 40 hours a week and my work load has increased over last year - I want to work 35) and I presented them with a good way of managing this. All in order to make sure that I stay fit for work. A lot of people have reduced their hours in this company and so I thought I would be met with understanding.

But not so. I am the only designer and on top of always rushing, I can't do my creative work as I have to do other non-creative stuff.

On top of that an overly-ambitious working colleague (also a designer but not employed as a designer) has taken the opportunity to do some of my very creative jobs, while I was struggling with the adjustment of my new meds and the heavy workload. I have already asked my boss what her new role is, but he didn't want to answer. He hasn't really complained about my work, but I feel like I can't keep up with this competition.

The new colleague is working part-time and taking work home and I can't and don't want to do this. She is with us on a 2 year contract, so maybe that is why she is working so hard. But still. She is always going on about how great she is ... and I feel inferior ... with MS and all. Which isn't helpful.

Do I now look for a new job where I am more appreciated or do I change the way I view myself. I am very happy for any suggestions how to best deal with this situation. :–)

  1. Hi eaglenose! I am sorry you are facing such a decision as far as your career goes. I will say that I find it a little concerning that your boss won't be more straightforward with you, especially when you have pointblank asked him about this colleague. It does sound like your work environment is slowly becoming less friendly for you. I think if you cannot get some clear answers from your boss, it may be time to weigh your options. Considering a job change brings up a lot of questions. While companies are not legally allowed to discriminate against individuals with chronic conditions like MS, it can be very hard to prove discrimination in the interviewing process. And you have to think about health insurance, work environment, expectations of a future employer, etc. In the end, only you can decide when the drawbacks of your current position outweigh the benefits. Either way, I would consider keeping records of communications with your boss, in case you ever need to prove discrimination. I sincerely hope it would never come to that point. Best of luck and I hope you get some more feedback from our community members! Thank you for reaching out to the community. Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi Erin, thank you very much for your reply. I am now on holidays and have a bit of time to think about things. I am not sure yet, what my next steps will be.

      1. Best of luck, Eaglenose, and enjoy your break! Best, Erin, Team Member.

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