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Quitting Avonex

I am 77 years old. Have had MS since 1990. Been on Avonex since 2000. Recently my neurologist said he felt my MS had burned itself out and I could quit the Avonex. I stopped for two months and developed terrible headaches, stinging and burning all over my body and significant neuropathy in many places. I have gone on the Avenel and see my neuro next week. I dont want to go off the med. What do you think? Tks

  1. Hi, !

    I can't really offer medical advice, for your safety. But, I know that one of the common theories in the medical community is that treating MS symptoms when an individual is in the 70+ category is, well, not always seen as necessary? Part of that is due to the pretty serious side effects of medications used to treat MS and MS symptoms and part of it is, well, the theory that MS does tend to level off for many people . . . at some point.

    That said, not *every* doctor believes that and, more importantly, YOU should have the final say as to what treatment take or don't take. After all, it's your body and your MS and you have lived with MS for years. You know your body best and you know MS quite well at this point. You should do what is best for YOU. If going back on treatment makes your quality of life better, then why not go back on it?

    I would definitely make sure your neuro is aware of the negative impact going off treatment has had for you. Unless your neuro was worried about your lab work (and you didn't mention that he did), I don't see why going back on medication would be an issue for him.

    So, all these words to say . . . it's your choice!

    I trust you know what's best for you and I hope your doctor does, too.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you so much! Totally agree.

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