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Sexual relationships

Well I guess that was the first noticeable change , but I had recently gotten married and then one day it was extremely painful to have sex. I went to the Drs and told her about the pain. She prescribed lubricant. Which did nothing. It feels like the insides are being ripped apart. Very unpleasant. Needless to say I am recently divorced. I have no desire to even have sex. I'm not going to allow anyone to have pleasure and I'm in pain. But I'm still a person and need the relief of having a orgasm. But I can't. Does anybody here experience that to?

  1. I am glad you posted, . Whether it's related to your MS or not, your sexual health and desire are important and how you choose to pursue or not pursue sexual pleasure is entirely up to you. And, this topic (sex) comes up quite a bit in this community. Here's an article about self pleasure that you may find interesting -- Many members in this community experience struggles with sex, so you are not alone in this!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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