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Suprapubic catheter.

I have been persuaded to have the above as I have so many u.t.i infections. As one of these resulted in severe sepsis I didn't take too much persuading. Having said that iam still aprehensive. I would love to.hear from others who have this good and bad so iam prepared. Cheers judi

  1. Hi, Judi ()!

    I don't blame you for being apprehensive, but if you wanted to learn more about the ins and outs of suprapubic catheters, you came to the right place! A number of our members have experience using a variety of catheters, including suprapubic ones. Here's one article on the topic and please make a point to check out the many member comments at the end of the article for more community insight on the topic -- Also, one of our members shared about her cross country road trip and she had a suprapubic catheter. She only shares briefly about the catheter, but I like her story because it shows that having a catheter doesn't have to negatively impact your life. In fact, it can sometimes offer you some freedom and independence! Here's her story -- To put it bluntly, having to have a catheter is never ideal, but it doesn't have to be terrible either. And you are in good company here! So, if you have any specific questions, I bet someone here can answer them!

    Good luck and do keep us posted on how things go, only if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. I see that Erin shared some resources with you about the catheter. I'm just checking in to see if the articles and/or the comments below the articles where fellow members comment about their experiences have helped you.

      Do you have a date set yet to get the catheter?
      Alene, moderator

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