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One thing I’m learning is that every one’s symptoms may differ and to live gratefully each day thanking God things could be a lot worse.

  1. I am glad your faith is a source of support and comfort for you, ! That's wonderful! And you're right; one reason MS is called a 'snowflake' disease is because people can experience it so differently and have such a wide range of symptoms. Each person truly does have a unique experience with MS.

    Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you're here 😀

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank God And Jesus Christ for everything forever no matter what. ✝️❤️🙂

      1. GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE ; I woke up this morning focused on continuing my healthy eating and avoiding my triggers as much as possible. Appreciating each day that passes and cherishing the moments with my loved ones. Cherish the Day MS community *

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