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The diagnosis journey

I'm currently in the process of whats going on. April they did an Mri of my brain, lumbar puncture, and labs.

My question is, how do you explain to everyone that thinks you're fine or it's been a month and no answers, so I'm turn they think I'm making up all my symptoms that are literally taking control of my body.

  1. Sorry to hear what you are going through ! It is definitely an issue with an illness like MS where many symptoms are not only "invisible" but can also come and go. I've always done my best to educate those close to me, emailing them articles and asking them to "please read this". I have often found that reading or hearing about the illness from someone other than me is what helped really get them to understand (as best they can anyway, we often like to say you don't "get" MS until you get MS)

    1. I know it's very frustrating. Despite having lesions on my brain and spine, my neurologist said I must be happy because my LP was clear, so for now my MS has disappeared (which is nonsense, it cant). I asked him how I can be happy if I am still falling over, still exhausted, still having the most horrific ice cold headaches, still forgetting words/items etc. Honestly feel like it's too expensive to have any more tests so have just left it for now.

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