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It was 2018 when I was told I have ms although they reckon it was a long time ago that it really started, and it’s only the last three years that it’s kicked in, up to now I’ve fractured my ankle and thigh and also had 6 knee replacements , that’s apart from lumps bumps cuts and bruises , I fell that often outside and at home, that I don’t go out anymore, the last fall done it I was crossing the road with my Walker and little dog when my legs went on me again and two cars nearly hit me I’ll never forget opening my eyes and seeing how close they were, although a few people came to my aid I couldn’t wait to get home then broke and sobbed my heart out

  1. , thanks for sharing part of your MS story with the community. I know many member have mentioned realized that they probably had MS for quite awhile before being officially diagnosed.

    And frankly, I don't blame you for not wanting to go our walking as much anymore, after 6 knee replacements, multiple fractures, AND almost getting his by two cars! Yikes! How terrifying!

    Best, Erin, Team member.

    1. hi Erin thank you for replying to my letter, I’ve started to get a lot of stuff done in the house at the moment, my grant has finally come through, I was originally supposed to have a chair lift but unfortunately my ms has worsened and I now need a wheelchair so I’ve had a lift put in my back room and it has to be big enough for my chair, that same room has been cut in half and the bathroom is now in there, with a walk in shower , I hope you are keeping well ? X

    2. , I am so glad your grant came through and you are able to make some helpful adaptions to your home. I hope they make your life a little easier. Are you liking the walk in shower? I've heard good things about them.

      I am doing well; thank you for asking!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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