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Undiagnosed/seeking diagnosis

I know all the problems about the summer sweating, but I've been sweating from the neck up all times of the year.. They are so powerful that I have to sit down. No dizziness, just sweat literally rolling down my face and my hair wet. I'm done with menopause, so that's not it, it's even worse. Has anyone else experienced this?

  1. Hi . MS really messes with the messaging system of the brain, so some people do sweat excessively for no apparent reason. Have you talked to your doctor about this and tried to rule out other causes? I would walk to rule out any potential circulatory issues, especially since you are only experiencing this from the neck up. Wishing you the best! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Lori, thanks for answering. I have an appt with my MS doc next week, I'll talk to him.

      1. Its good that you have an appt with your doctor soon. My sis-in-law suffers from this, and it's no fun. I'm not a doctor, but here's an article you can reference that could help get some questions listed that you can ask the doc at the appointment
        Let us know if you get a diagnosis. Warm wishes, Debbie (team member)

        1. Debbie thank you so much. I'm sorry for your sis-in-law I know the feelings...but YAY! I'm not alone! 😀

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