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This is often my worst symtom!

  1. bmisenti Ugh- just the thought of this MS symptom makes my head hurt. So I completely understand why this could be one of the worst symptoms for must people who experience it. How do you manage yourself when this kicks in? -Latoya (Team Member)

    1. I haven’t done well but after having vertigo 24/7 for 7 weeks, I’ll be working with Vestibular PT today. My neurologist suggested meclizine, but it might help with nausea, but it doesn’t help with dizziness.

      1. How’s it going, ! Just wanted to check in and see how things have been going since working with your Vestibular PT. Have you seen any progress? I look forward to hearing an update from you! Wishing you the best, Latoya (Team Member)

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