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I was diagnosed with ms in 2017. Im 54 and a retired nurse that worked in a jail for 30 years. I crashed in 2017 with my bladder went into retention and i started to self catherize myself 4-5x a day. That was the beggining of my journey from 2017 up until now. I had my colon removed with a permanent ileostomy bag almost died a few times this last year. On top of MS i developed lyme disease. Now im progressing rapidly. I have 2 grown daughters who are nurses but there lives are busy and as my multiple medical conditons are now dictated my life im not good to anyone. But im DETERMINED and i just started to realize i need help with adls etc as i live alone and have no support from my children. I have 2 grandaughters 3 and 6.

  1. you are just as the headline of this post says a "warrior!" You shared a lot of adversity that you've experienced over the years - a lot! - and yet you're sharing your pure determination to do your best each and everyday. That's admirable and an inspiration to us all. Thank you for reminding us of that glimmer of hope on the really hard days.

    That said, I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with a lot of challenges. Living with MS is a lot in and of itself so to add lyme, surgery and other complications on top of that... my goodness!

    I'm glad to see that you're plugged into this community here and choosing to share your story and your experience. Your voice matters and we're happy to hear it!

    I find living with MS is about taking it day by day and not letting our thoughts get ahead of us. We do our best each day!
    - Alene, moderator

    1. Thank you very much. I keep PRAYING because I have more medical procedures etc. I'm glad I inspired someone

      1. each of our stories are always sources of inspiration for one another. Thank you for being part of this community. And yes, I'm a believer in the power of prayer too!
        - Alene, moderator

    2. I just want to acknowledge just how much you've endured going through your journey and the strength it takes to handle all of that. Between dealing with so many health issues, having grown children who also have their own lives, and living alone, I can only imagine the many emotions you experience trying to keep yourself together. There's no doubt that you're a warrior! You're determination and positive outlook despite how things are will continue to be your strength in your journey. Keep it up and hang in there. You got this! All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

      1. I see you, I hear you, I feel you 😀 I hope you feel less alone for having reached out to this community. Prayer, meditation, and medication in the proper proportions, can all help grease the wheels in our daily struggles. And community sharing here can make the difference between launching your little boat alone on rough seas, and joining an armada replete with armaments and shelter. Wishing you safe harbor from life's tsunamis! Kim, moderator

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