Good?! I thought I was going a little crazy. This disease takes a lot from us but I want to insure its not my sanity. A bummer because I love to watch it rain and snow. I live in a high desert community so either are nice.
This will totally sound weird but my family and boyfriend have noticed, lightening is drawn to me. Pre-MS I was running to the garage to watch a storm with my Father and Brother, lightening cracked within 20 feet, my Father and Brother screaming at me to run faster.
Then watching a storm inside through the front window with my boyfriend lightening strikes my house. The cable company shows us the fried connection.
Then storming I open my back door to pick up a piece of garbage blown by the wind onto the porch, lightening strikes. Forget the garbage.
I normally wouldn't think twice about all this but my Father's cousin was struck and killed by lightening before I was born. Now I have a problem with barometric pressure. Kookie!