What is the difference in diagnosing mnd and ms what is the difference between the symptoms. And how is mnd diagnosed?
Devin Garlit Moderator
I hope that helps and I'm happy to help answer any questions you have, I am not an expert on MND, but I will do my best to research and help answer as best as I possibly can.
judyvarley Member
When I was finally diagnosed after years of various symptoms and problems, including all the usual. But when I was diagnosed, my only question was MS? or ALS? The answer came back MS thank God.
jane1964 Member
Thanks for the information dev. I am a bit worried that my mobility as gone done hill rapidly .. and symptoms are changing. Some of the symptoms don't seen like ms. What show s up in lumbar puncture if mnd and ms is present I had a lumbar puncture 20yrs ago and it showed up oligcolonol band's. What does that mean
Devin Garlit Moderator
jane1964 Member
Hi dev. The thing is things have deteriorated quite rapidly. Especially my mobility and my back .so painful. The pain in my feet. Legs, back.i cry with.i can't hardly walk for 30 mins now. It as been really quick. Symptoms are changing and Im getting g new ones all th time
Kind regards