Six things people should know about MS

Six Things People Should Know About MS

Last updated: April 2024

Explaining what it’s like to live with multiple sclerosis (MS) can often be difficult…and frustrating. We recently asked our community what they wanted others to know about MS. Here's what you told us.

Six things people should know about MS

The symptoms of MS ebb and flow, and most of the time you don't know how you are going to feel from one day to the next.


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Do you struggle to explain your MS symptoms to others?

Six things people should know about MS

Although we try to stay positive, being diagnosed with a chronic illness like MS can be overwhelming, not only physically but emotionally too.


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Have you lost communication with friends because of your MS?

Six things people should know about MS

It is possible to live a long, happy life, despite MS. And no, we aren't contagious!


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Have people treated you differently at work because of your MS?

Six things people should know about MS

Just because we look fine doesn't mean we feel fine. It's impossible for those on the outside to see how painful and exhausting MS can truly be.


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Would you prefer it if people could see all the symptoms of your MS?

Six things people should know about MS

MS is ever-present, and the battle is multifaceted – we struggle with symptoms, treatment side effects, the financial burden of the disease, and much more!


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How recent was your latest relapse/exacerbation?

Six things people should know about MS

While there are several treatments available to slow MS progression, there is no cure.


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How many treatments have you tried for your MS?

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