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"I just made my own point.... I just wanted to move the “cursor” back to end of statement and ended up “sending” my comments on frustrations with Cog Fog. I think the most challenging part is the unpredictability of severity and occurrence of significant fog. Most of us have come up with coping strategies, when these fail, it is SO frustrating!! Folks think they are helping when they tell u,”Don’t worry, it happens to me all of the time.”. Trying to explain how it differs is pointless. This often leads me to feeling like a “fraud”. Mayb I SHOULD JUST SUCK IT UP and get back to work..... Then I have a day where I can’t remember how to use the TV clicker(same one I have had FOR YEARS) I forget I let the dog out... I stare blankly at my quicken ledger and have no clue what I did wrong when entering stuff, Inleave the house for a simple walk and for several minutes draw a blank on how to get home. Sometimes these issues are “momentary” and sometimes it’s just that kind of a day”. Sometimes the fog clears and I feel I can contribute intelligently. But I cannot always know when I will have issues and when the entire day is a “wash”. After 20 years, I can guess situations that may make things more difficult, and I am better at modifying my routines and environment.... keep temp under 72’, avoid crowds and noisy spaces, am is better, never try anything requiring brainpwr when tired(and how often do u NOT feel tired?). What I realize most days is that managing these things IS MY FULL TIME JOB...... but try explaining it to the rest of the world... Anyone else have anxiety attacks every time the Disability folks call or send the forms for the annual updates??"


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  • Member Since 2018


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