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"I just read the article about gratitude. I started a gratitude journal a while back during an excererbation. Things were really bad. Couldn't walk well, depressed, fatigued hurting everywhere, numb you name it. Had to have steroid infusions. Crying and bitching all the time!! Someone suggested the gratitude journal. I started with being grateful for the person who suggested it. Then the infusions, then my neurologist, then my family, ..........You get the picture. Now I don't write in it everyday, my executive skills aren't that good, but, I think about being grateful all the time. So even now with all the terrible things going on in the world I can think about the things around me I can be grateful for "


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"I just read the article about gratitude. I started a gratitude journal a while back during an excererbation. Things were really bad. Couldn't walk well, depressed, fatigued hurting everywhere, numb you name it. Had to have steroid infusions. Crying and bitching all the time!! Someone suggested the gratitude journal. I started with being grateful for the person who suggested it. Then the infusions, then my neurologist, then my family, ..........You get the picture. Now I don't write in it everyday, my executive skills aren't that good, but, I think about being grateful all the time. So even now with all the terrible things going on in the world I can think about the things around me I can be grateful for "

About sandeehess

  • Member Since 2016