Living with MS: Gardening as Healing“There’s something about taking a plow and breaking new ground. It gives you energy. ” — Ken Kesey During my childhood, my parents grew a huge vegetable garden. As part of...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Bladder Confidential: The Pee, the Whole Pee, and Nothing but the PeeFolks, I just survived the most horrific month of my MS journey. I’d like to tell you about my experience in the form of a detective mystery. My story gives...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Multiple Sclerosis and Unexpected ChangesChange. It can't be avoided, it almost always can't be controlled, and is often somewhat unpredictable. No matter the scale, from the infinitely vast cosmos down to the mundane happenings...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Telehealth: Privacy Concerns When Going VirtualTelehealth has become a popular way to see a doctor. Today, you can get many health services remotely. And, some studies show you may get better care at a lower...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How Do I Find Virtual Health Services?It can be overwhelming to figure out how to find telehealth services, especially if you do not already have a doctor. But many companies offer a range of virtual health...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The Change In What Makes Me Happy After MSIt's absolutely no secret that things change as our world evolves. Think of fashion, with blouses with shoulder pads and "shag" or "mullet" hairstyles no longer being the trend. Or...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
Mental Health Month 2020: Not Just In Your HeadFor a long time, we said mental health happens in the mind and the body is just along for the ride. People who've experienced stress, anxiety, depression, or even minor...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments
Battling Steroid-Induced Moon FaceWhile scrolling through social media recently, I came across a headline condemning people for making fun of actress Ashley Judd. Intrigued, I clicked through to read more and found out...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Access to CareFunny how what can and can’t be done has changed now that the entire world is living a sheltered life thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. When it was just people who...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Preparing Your Child For an MRIA part of life with pediatric MS may include MRIs, whether it’s for initial diagnosis or long-term monitoring. Getting an MRI can be a scary experience for children, especially if...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
A Look at the Services Virtual Care OffersTelehealth or virtual care can be used to access many different types of health services. To get started, talk to your doctor to find out which virtual services are right...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Telemedicine and MSEditor's Note: This article was written on April 2, 2020. Further developments in what we know about the Coronavirus are continuously emerging. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought treatment for medical...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Preparing for My First Virtual Neurology VisitAlthough I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 15 years ago and I’ve only had one relapse during the past 8 years, I still see my main neurology team every 6...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Toxic Relationships: Work It Out or Kick Them Out?A large part of life is made up of the many relationships you have with all the different people you interact with. Significant others, family members, friends, coworkers, your doctors...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Because Avoiding Stress Is Impossible...I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people with MS have been told this by their healthcare provider at least once: "Avoid stress." Seems simple, right? Hardly. The things...Reactions0reactionsComments8 comments
Preparing for a Virtual Visit with Your DoctorVisiting your doctor online is a great way to get healthcare if you are not able to go in person. You can get medical advice, visual assessments, treatments, or update...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
You Can Do Everything Right and Still Be SickWhether it’s you or someone close to you, when someone has been diagnosed with an incurable illness like multiple sclerosis, there is an immediate need to know why and how...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Telehealth 101: How to Visit Your Doctor OnlineTelehealth is a virtual service that lets patients interact with a healthcare professional online. This lets doctors and patients connect without being in the same room, or even the same...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
MS and What You Shouldn’t Say to a Person Using a WheelchairI thought I was in a safe space with “my people” that Saturday morning. My husband Dan had dropped me off at my weekly WW meeting (WW is the health...Reactions0reactionsComments47 comments
Inked Up: MS & TattoosScrolling through some social media, I noticed a pretty cool trend among the multiple sclerosis community: that of getting MS-related tattoos! I’ve seen all kinds, from orange ribbons to catchy...Reactions0reactionsComments9 comments