Tire Pull: The Weight We CarryHave you ever watched people on television or social media workout with a large tire? They often use a large tractor tire to do different moves like flipping or pulling...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
MS: Some "Manly" IssuesWhen you endeavor to research more about Multiple Sclerosis, one interesting piece of information that you learn is that it affects women more than men - by a lot too...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
The Challenge of Staying Cool, Calm and Alert in the Waning Days of SummerFor me, the challenge of staying cool is about staying cool enough. Enough to keep my head clear, to keep my limbs from weakening and foot drop from worsening so...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
The ShowerTaking a shower is usually considered a simple daily task, but with MS, it becomes a lot more complicated...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Night and Day: It's Like I'm Two Different PeopleI know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a morning person. I always have been and probably always will be. In high school, a period of time in most people’s...Reactions0reactionsComments47 comments
Catching Feelings With 'Sensational' MSBecause multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system, its symptoms can cause abnormal sensations such as the burning, numbness, or itching, pins and needles sensations (dysesthesia). 1980... Fourth grade... recess...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
MS Research Spotlight: Veggies, MS Fatigue, Flu Vaccines & MoreMS Research Spotlight covers key research news from the last month. Studies that looked at cholesterol levels in the bloodstream—especially the so-called “good cholesterol” known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL)—have found...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Temperature: The MS Goldilocks ZoneI feel like this is such a worn-out topic in the multiple sclerosis (MS) community, especially during this time of the year (summer), but given how common heat intolerance is...Reactions0reactionsComments71 comments
Being a "Minority within a Minority": LGBT Multiple SclerosisMembers of our Editorial Team here at MultipleSclerosis.net discovered a research project called LGBT Multiple Sclerosis by De Montfort University PhD candidate Periklis Papaloukas. The project explored the experiences of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
A Book Review of Managing MS: Straight Talk from a Thirty-One Year SurvivorAuthor Debbie Petrina makes it clear from the start that she wrote this book to help others manage their MS by sharing both her own disease journey and information she’s...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Prepping for a HeatwaveHearing a meteorologist on TV talking about soaring temperatures can lead to a sinking feeling for those with MS for whom heat is a trigger. Brooke's latest comic shows all...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Inside An MS ExacerbationExacerbation, relapse, flare-up, attack: these are all names for the same thing with regard to Multiple Sclerosis. The general definition of this event is the occurrence of new or worsening of...Reactions0reactionsComments63 comments
You Know What You KnowDon’t ever doubt you are the expert when it comes to your own medical care. We might not have that fancy diploma to hang on the wall, but we have experience...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
MS Comic: Hidden SymptomsWhat people see on the outside rarely matches how someone with MS feels on the inside. Brooke's latest comic shows how people view her out at a party or on...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Are Nightly Leg Movements Caused by MS...or RLS?If you’ve already gone through the complex protocols that lead to a multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis, you know that an MS specialist is looking for a lot of things. First...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
The MaskLately, I haven’t felt the greatest. My fatigue is more prominent, I’m having severe joint pain that makes it difficult to walk, and it’s making it hard to get things...Reactions0reactionsComments38 comments
Starting Part II of My Life With MSMost of us, in one way or another, are familiar with the concept of people describing a significant change in life as “starting a new chapter.” After being diagnosed with...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
Is Your MS Fatigue Caused by Hidden Sleep Apnea?The research highlighted in a 2019 poster by the American Academy of Neurology arrived at a conclusion that might surprise many of us living with multiple sclerosis (MS): This research...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
For Our Family & Friends: MS, Heat & HumidityWhen I think about my life with Multiple Sclerosis, I often consider how much easier my life would be if there was a greater breadth of knowledge about the disease...Reactions0reactionsComments32 comments
MS Research Spotlight: Telerehabilitation, Anesthesia, & MoreMS Research Spotlight covers key research news from the last month.JULY 17, 2019 || University of Cambridge Not all brain cells are alike. In the case of people with MS...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments