Why Self-Care is Important When Living with MSMy infant son looked up at me from his crib, smiling and cooing after a satisfying nap. I picked him up, changed his diaper and carried him to the living...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
MS with KidsChildren are full of energy and excitement, and while spending time with kids can be a joy, it's also indisputably exhausting - especially for someone with MS. In her latest...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Field SobrietyI go to my MS specialist every six months. At each appointment, we go through the same routine: check my strength, test my reflexes, finger to nose, have my eyes...Reactions0reactionsComments38 comments
MS Research Spotlight: 25 Years of Research, TWEAK Biomarker, and MoreMS Research Spotlight covers key research news from the past two weeks. A recent review of MS research since 1974 shared interesting conclusions. Generally, it confirmed that 25 years of...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My First StepBrooke shares the worst part of her day: her first step out of bed in the morning onto the floor. The long walk to the bathroom feels like walking on...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Relief of DiagnosisBeing diagnosed with an incurable, chronic illness such as Multiple Sclerosis is never a pleasant experience. However, for many people, getting that final confirmation creates an extreme sense of relief. That...Reactions0reactionsComments21 comments
The Art, Pain, Benefits, and Joy of Being a Good ListenerMy listening skills have been pretty good since childhood. It comes second nature (so many things do; ever wonder what comes first nature?). I acknowledge what someone says to me...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
What Does "Be Positive" Mean?Sound like a silly question? Being positive means being, well, positive, everybody knows what that means. But I say, not necessarily. To my mind, we are living in a time...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Trying A Weighted Blanket For MS SymptomsGetting a successful night of sleep is something that can be difficult for someone with a chronic illness like Multiple Sclerosis. From having trouble getting comfortable to bouts of painsomnia...Reactions0reactionsComments32 comments
I Walk Pretty OkProblems with balance, coordination, and gait are not uncommon for people with MS, and some people use a cane, walker, or a wheelchair to help them get around. Others manage...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Understanding How FMLA Can HelpLiving with MS means a lifetime of unpredictability. You may feel perfectly fine when you go to bed, but sometime during the night, a significant front moves through the neighborhood...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Tough SeasonsI think January is hard each year. You’re settling down from the holidays and trying to get all of your ducks back in a row. Each January, I’m exhausted for...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
You Don't Look SickWhen MS is in the news, those actually living with the condition have a new spotlight on them, but if they "don't look sick" they face additional questions from friends...Reactions0reactionsComments59 comments
Identity CrisisHow do we view ourselves and what does that say to the outside world? Having a serious disease challenges our identity at every turn. For those of us with a...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
Can You Really Not Care What People Think of You?I don’t care what people think. I’ve heard it plenty of times from plenty of people throughout my life. As a kid I said it myself when somebody was really...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Another MSiversary ApproachesAs I write this, we are closing in on February 2nd. For most, that’s Groundhog Day, for me, it is yet another MSiversary (what I call the anniversary of the day...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
MS Research Spotlight: NfL Biomarker, Dysphagia & MoreMS Research Spotlight covers key research news from the past two weeks. New research out of Italy suggests that obvious oxidative stress in MS patients is best measured using an...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
My MRIMRIs are no fun. Going in for an MRI to track MS progression can cause a lot of anxiety for people living with MS. If a new lesion appears, it's...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Disabled Doesn't Mean DeadWhen actress Selma Blair recently announced her Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, one of her first sentences contained the phrase “I am disabled.” This is something I fervently applauded, however, it didn’t...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Foot Edema, What Causes It, and How I'm Treating MineAt first, I blamed my Sasquatch feet on prednisone. But two months after being totally off steroids, I still had bloated ankles and feet. I saw my PCP, and she...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments