What To Do When You Overdo ItOne long, exhausting day... That’s all it takes to throw my life and health off track. When this happens it’s not even an exhaustion I can explain. And it doesn’t...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
How I Deal With MS StressStress comes in innumerous forms and can manifest itself in a multitude of ways, affecting each “victim” completely differently. Everyone deals with stress at some point in his or her...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Does your specialist ask about your sleep health?Some interesting findings from recent research published in International Journal of MS Care (IBMSC) suggests that we might need to be more forthcoming about our sleep problems when we go...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
The Hurt and Loneliness of Living with Multiple SclerosisI’ve got loneliness on my mind and I’d like to, as the author Elizabeth Lesser says, break myself open. Please don’t confuse loneliness with feeling alone. They are two separate...Reactions0reactionsComments30 comments
Nocturnal Leg Cramps Can Ruin Your Sleep!I only have 2 pain-related symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS): migraine and nocturnal leg cramps. I can usually nip the migraines in the bud with a large cup of strong...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Fighting the MS ColdCatching a cold is no fun for anybody. But when you live with MS, it can really be disruptive. Just a few days ago, I succumbed to the common cold...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
There Is MS Information Everywhere, But How Should You Use It?One of the most common terms that we like to toss around regarding multiple sclerosis is that it’s a “snowflake” disease, meaning that we all tend to have different symptoms and...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
Practicing Self-Care on a BudgetWe’ve previously defined and described the importance of self-care, and have given examples of how you can practice it in your daily life. While some tasks are easier than others...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Tired All the Time: Is It Sleepiness, or Is It Fatigue?Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be a “snowflake” disease with many differences from person to person, but one symptom that plagues virtually every person with MS is the feeling of being...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Weather and Multiple Sclerosis - Cold & HotJanuary, my favorite time of the year. See, I grew up in Southern California which feels like every year gets just a little hotter. I mean, it was always warm...Reactions0reactionsComments12 comments
Open Letter for the Newly DiagnosedDear newly diagnosed, First I want to welcome you to the club that no one wants to join - the world of MS. I'm sure you are overwhelmed with this...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Advice on Finding a Good NeurologistUpon being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) one of the last things on your mind is probably, “I need to do some research and find a really good doctor to...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
It's Okay to Ask for HelpIt’s okay to ask for help. I am an extremely stubborn and self-sufficient person. I love knowing I can do things on my own, but one thing I’ve had to...Reactions0reactionsComments11 comments
How Does MS Affect Your Sleep?Fatigue is one of the most common and frustrating symptoms that comes along with multiple sclerosis. In MS there is both fatigue and what is known as lassitude. Lassitude is...Reactions0reactionsComments28 comments
Look Beyond The Surface, A Plea To Those With And Without A DiseaseRecently, I came across yet another story from a friend with MS about how they were discriminated against because of their handicapped parking placard. This is such a disheartening thing to...Reactions0reactionsComments24 comments
What is Normal, Anyway?As I sat and drank my coffee this morning while my toddler napped, I thought to myself: I can’t even remember what life was like before MS. I wonder what...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Torture That Is MS-Related Chronic PainI’ve been writing about my journey with multiple sclerosis for a while now. I’ve discussed a wide range of issues that I’ve dealt with over my many years with the...Reactions0reactionsComments168 comments
I Miss Me TooSo this is probably really random, but it hit me recently, that in conversations I seem to say, “I used to….”, frequently. For instance, I was playing basketball with my...Reactions0reactionsComments35 comments
Stable Disease Does Not Mean Symptom FreeRecently I was talking to a nurse; not my nurse, but someone who came to the house to help my mother with some new medication. During our conversation, I mentioned...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
The Question "How are you feeling?" And The Mixed Feelings It Can CauseIf there is one question that those with a chronic illness like multiple sclerosis hear a lot, it’s “How are you feeling?” or some variation of it. It may seem...Reactions0reactionsComments61 comments