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Are there federal tax credits for adapting a home to accommodate physical needs?

For example, for a chair lift on stairs, a wheelchair ramp, changing a tub into a shower, etc.

  1. Hi

    1. Just wrote a lengthy history and seems that it did not post, what’s up?
      Internet works ok and I can read all other posts.
      Took half hour to write and didn’t go thru??

      Editor's note: Adjusted to comply with community rules

      1. Hi , I've searched for your post in the back end of our site and I'm afraid I can't find it either! I'm so sorry for the trouble. If you do have a lengthier experience you'd like to share, I recommend posting it on our story section here:

        Please note that I've also removed the email address from your post above because posts cannot contain personal contact information. You can refer to our community rules here: Thanks so much for your understanding and please let us know if you continue to have any difficulties!

        Best, Shelby, Team Member

    Please read our rules before posting.