How Do I Get a Doctor to Take Me Seriously About Getting a Diagnosis?

July 5, 2019, I was hospitalized with a platelet count down to 5000, and I was told I was in critical condition. My symptoms have been aching legs and joints, numbness, tingling, and severe fatigue. After 5 days of platelet transfusions and antibiotics, I was told I had ITP - basically the body kills platelets via the spleen. I was sent home on steroids which I have been taking now for almost two years. Dosages have gone from 80 to begin with down to 5 mg which seems to maintain both up and down numbers the platelet count close to 100,000.

No help with my MS symptom complaints

Unfortunately, I have had low thyroid for years and have been on levothyroxine going on 45 years, I am not 73 years young.

I have been seen by a family physician, hematologist, oncologist, rheumatoid arthritis doctor and have complained to each about my legs, joints, and all the other RMMS symptoms I have. None of them help me with my MS symptom complaints.

Five-month wait to see a neurologist

In November I asked the oncologist to refer me to a neurologist. He reluctantly did so, and I was not able to schedule an appointment until March 26. I live in rural Missouri, so the availability of specialists is limited, but I found a 5-month wait to see a neurologist as unbelievable.

I need help

While being treated for the ITP, I had two brain scans (MRIs) several months apart looking for bleeding in my brain. I wonder if those scans would show any white lesions on my brain that would indicate MS. Also wonder if the neurologist will look at those films and give me an opinion or blow me off by offering meds that have bad side effects.

None of the doctors have talked to me about diet, etc. With the meds I have been on I have gained over 25 lbs in two years. I need help.

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