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A Life Well Lived

Being new here I would like to share some wisdom with you... “life is the beginning and what you make of it is a life well lived.” Here's a poem I wrote...

Essence of miracles
Flaming through the skies
Escaping nights
Finding the light
Absorbing time
Reliving our lives -fr.

It began back in 07... I clearly remember the day when my sight started malfunctioning... I remember I was with my mom and sister we had just left a home that was for sale that we went to look at.

Mom liked the home and area but did not like that there would be another family leaving in the same lot. I disagreed, but that’s my parents. While driving I began to notice my vision getting blurry. Sometimes it happens and once you kinda rub your eyes it goes away... It wasn’t going away... I shared it with my mom and we made an appointment with the doctor. He recommended the optomologist first, but he couldn’t find anything. Then he spoke to us and told us that he would recommend the neurologist. I couldn’t understand at that time what a neurologist did. Talking to the neurologist she explained it has to do with your brain and nerves. Somehow at that time it felt as if I was in a ball and I could barely here what the doctor was saying. She recommended a spinal tap which now I think about maybe was not necessary. Oh man the after affects of it was really bad.

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Then she decided that steroids may work. They did work my vision was back on track. Thank God. Now here 2015, years have gone by and I’m doing good and have found a new love of things... Books, writing and sharing wisdom. Let’s be the light of a life well lived. Thank you everyone for sharing your story. Please follow me or add me as a friend I will like to share more wisdom and poems with you. ;)


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