My Daily Routine

I've introduced myself and explained who I am, what happened, and where I am now. As well as my latest circumstances and my plans for the near future, God-willing, I'm going to explain my daily routine that I have recently incorporated into my new life as my whole life has recently changed. Oh so much for the better I must add, for the Lord has been gracious to me and my gratitude is overflowing as I have been humbled as never before. This is all happening only for the fact that I put down the alcohol and drugs and have taken a long look inside. I pray that this continues till the end of my days.

Starting my day

I set my alarm for 7 a.m. every day and it does its job of informing me that this is the time I'd love to start my day. Depending totally on how I am feeling I make my decision to either get more much-needed rest or not. This morning I dozed back off and got up and going after 9. Microwaved a cup of bottled water and made 1 of my 2 cups of coffee for the day. I opened my Bible to Proverbs 16, as I read a chapter of this book on that day of the month. I find it's a good way to get my focus, as well as providing myself some guidance and understanding. It's part of my recipe to live. If you have never read the bible and would like to pm me and I will do everything in my power to get you one.

Feeding my body

Having gotten my reading and prayers done I feed myself a fairly healthy breakfast. Eating healthy portions of fruit, protein, oats, and dairy. I'd been eating 3 boiled eggs, however today I switched to scrambled omelets in the microwave of 3 eggs, shredded sharp cheese, bacon bits, green pepper onion and potato. As that was cooking I ate a yogurt and a sliced orange and read my 12 step book for a bit. I then made another cup of coffee packed my computer bag with my Bible, phone, notebooks, and laptop, as well as a cran-apple juice drink and water, and went outside to the picnic table across the parking lot.

Feeding my soul

It's still brisk, but I had been out here yesterday doing this same thing, however, the wind had been lowing a steady 6 or 7 knots and blowing up to 15-20. The wind had calmed and it felt nice to me. My thermostat is broken and I constantly run hot. If I am pacing myself as I try to accomplish anything I eventually will heat up to the point of sweating profusely. If it weren't for a/c I'd be in a bad way and had suffered through some horrible situations. Mostly self-induced, lol, tho at the time it was all probably your fault or somebody else's cuz it certainly weren't mine at the time. I unload my computer bag, set my laptop and 2 phones on the table turn them all on. Then I notice the time and my church live streams their services. Resurrection Church and pastor Ray Thoombs has just come back into my life. However back in 2013 he Baptized me in Megunticook Lake in Camden Maine on December 14th. He wore chest waders and I walked in shorts we took pictures and then got home to warm up. I just spoke to him about that and he says he has the video somewhere. Check their site out on FB. He and his wife Tracy and family are a remarkable bunch.

Moving my body

I start by stretching my legs and slowly warm them up because they are what has suffered the worst from this battle I've been waging with this disease. I have had the fortune of getting up and walking again when no one thought I would. More than once I have overcome that dreadful fate. Ever grateful my faith has grown immensely thru my recovery. And I spend a lot of time exercising leg kicks of all fashions in 4 sets. I do ten reps, kicking forward, back, and side to side. I've started doing lunges, hanging onto a pine tree for stability and assistance. I'm doing 5 reps right now and feel fortunate to even be able to do one. I managed 3 sets of those today. I did toe lifts in 4 sets of 20 reps apiece rotating through these as well as some upper body strengthening.

Trying to set realistic goals

I've been doing upper body exercises since a couple of days after I walked away from what I had. I do at least 8 sets at 20 reps on my knees right now. I have a dr appt. coming up for a fall I took a week ago. I came in Friday from doing this and my monitor was going off in a code orange. I need to be careful. I have drive and determination yes. But killing myself to feel better is as I say something I used to do every day in a very unhealthy way. I am going to be cautious and see what he feels are healthy limits and help me identify my boundaries. I was doing 500 a day when I had last been in jail. I don't need to go there anymore. I just turned 50 yrs. old. Not many of the guys I went to school with are in half the shape I am at this time.

Working to be stronger

I do curls with a green stretchy band that I've had since my last flare-up when I was in KCJ. It's a very valuable tool that provides resistance in as many ways as you yourself could possibly imagine. I stand on it prone and do reps of 15. 4 Sets of those as well as butterflies that really help with strengthening the trunk, which I've found necessary. As well as forward raises in 4 sets of 10 reps. I also do raises out to the side in 4 sets with the number of reps varying on a day-to-day basis with how I am feeling. Lastly, I do lifts over my head from behind. These have helped me immensely as well, having fallen numerous times in many different situations and weighing 200 lbs I need to be able to depend on my arm strength if and when I need it. I fell between a jail toilet and the wall one day and was stuck like that for at least 45 minutes before a c.o. came through that noticed and heard my screams. That's why I do this every day. I will never allow myself to be a victim, of circumstance or anything else for that matter. Without being as prepared as I can, in every way that I can be, to face my circumstances head-on steadfast and sober.

Feflecting and moving forward with purpose

I finish my workouts with dips in 4 sets. I did 10 reps today just to be safe. I really feel like this was most likely the exercise that caused my pacemaker monitor to code orange on me. I will be calling my cardiologist in the morning. The last thing I want is to push myself too far and end up dead because of it. To think I used to pray for death every day as I used anything and everything. Until that fateful day that always comes for the alcoholic or addict. I could not find anything to numb my pain. Whether it was my emotional, physical, spiritual pain, or my mental anguish. Those were the times of my numerous suicide attempts that I once looked down on myself for being unable to succeed in even that.

Warming up for the rest of my day

I finished my workout and packed up my gear into my computer bag and headed for the door. It was still only 23 degrees and I had been out here for over an hour and a half. My hands were aching a lil bit from taking my gloves off and on to text or write or what have you. I unlocked my door and slipped inside as quickly as I could and threw water for cocoa on. I washed my hands and face and said a prayer of gratitude and grace as I switched out my cocoa for my omelet. I devoured that expeditiously and jumped in the shower to clean up and get moving on the things I needed to accomplish today. Now that I had done everything that was on my list of self-care. It is proving to reap benefits and I have not one gripe or complaint as I see the results in the mirror. The most important thing we all overlook is taking care of ourselves. I have more energy, stamina, strength, and I feel full of the holy spirit. I say the 3rd step prayer as I start my work for today around 1:30pm.

Taking care of business despite brain fog

I've managed to get my emails read today and I've made a list of,1,2,3,4,5,6 things I have to reply to. I have to write it down or I will forget. You understand surely if you are anything like me, I walk into a room uhh...uhhh. What was I doing? Some days are better than others and today has been alright. I have that heavy brain fog feeling overtaking me this afternoon into the evening. It's giving me a headache. That's most likely from my right eye. And the damage from my last flare-up is again intruding on my life. The P.A. told me to get used to it and chuckled at me on one of the last occasions where we spoke. It will always affect me and can see I'm going to have to do something about these computer screens. My eyes can only take so much and no I will never get used to it.

Maintaining my focus

One of the most important things I've learned as of late is that I need to keep my head down and focus on the task at hand. I manage my well-being as best I can. I take, 1,2,3,6 medication daily now down from 17. I take my Copaxone injection 3x a week as prescribed. Although I still forget for a day sometimes 2 to this very day. I do get me 3 shots a week no matter what. I'm learning that I can accomplish anything I set my mind on and I give the good Lord above for being in the condition I am in today. Although my spiritual malady has been remedied, it does not make my MS go away. However, it gives me the courage and strength to go on. I know I could wake up tomorrow in the condition I have before.

The message that I repeat

I'm not afraid anymore, as it says in my studies of today.
Understanding is the wellspring of life,
to him who has it.
But the correction of fools is folly.
The heart of the wise teaches his
And adds learning to his lips.

Proverbs 16:22-23

The start to something amazing

My first week officially running day-to-day operations of HOME is about to begin. Dealing with my funding issues is first on my list so that I can get the laptops and phones I need to run my operation. Then to sit down with my new assistant Amanda. She is an incredible woman that has become one of my bf's over the past 7 years. we are both in recovery and we are both so excited to get this train moving. I hope to share more of my life with you next time god willing and have come to look forward to this. I've lived enough for 3 lifetimes and am looking forward to sharing my life and the challenges I face and overcome. God bless you guys. You're all in my thoughts and prayers, stay safe out there. Until we meet again...

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